Saturday, September 10, 2011

Finding Comfort in Tragedy

Tomorrow is the tenth anniversary of 9/11. As if you didn't know. Actually, it's become so strange to teach and find out that some of my students were as young as four years old and didn't really understand what was going on. My roommate's fifth graders were only a few months old on 9/11 and couldn't tell you what happened that day if it weren't for the videos and photographs.

9/11 for me is like the assassination of JFK for my mom's generation. You remember where you were, your thoughts and fears, your feelings and being glued to the news to find out all that you could. I was teaching preschool then and my sister (she was living on the east coast) called my mom to tell her what was happening since it was only 6 in the morning for us. My mom came into my room and showed me the news on the TV. If school had been cancelled, I would've stayed home to soak up all that I could to get any information on the events of that day.

I have so many memories of that tragic day. I remember looking up at the sky to find that not a plane was in sight for a few days because the FAA had grounded all flights. I remember buying a flag to put on my car to show my patriotism for our country-in fact many others placed flags on their cars as well. I remember our church service the following Sunday. I remember the fact that people couldn't connect with much of the east coast by telephone and desperately wanted to know if their loved ones were alive. Even though I didn't personally know anyone who had died, I was caught up in the happenings of 9/11 and to this day, I still am.

What my students don't realize is that 9/11 changed the face of America. They may see it in movies from the 80s or 90s, but they won't see a non-passenger going up to the airline gate to say goodbye to a friend or family member. They probably didn't know that you could park at the curb and leave your car unattended to help your friend get to their gate or that you didn't have to stay seated within 30 minutes of arrival even if you needed to use the restroom. My students have never experienced an America that was true to itself-they've only been used to a politically correct era where we won't declare who our enemies are or we will not denounce those who attacked us. Sadly, my students have been brought up to be ashamed of our country or believe our country is egocentric. The truth is, declaring what is true is frowned upon these days.

What my students missed out on during the days of 9/11 was the re-focus on God. Yes, it was for a brief minute that some flocked to the churches on the following Sunday, but some truly turned their wicked hearts over to the Lord. There was a heart of desperation that cried out to the Lord because they knew that they couldn't depend on anyone or themselves to relieve their fears. However, it is hard to ignore the sad fact that history does repeat itself. Today, just like the Israelites, Americans have turned to their own gods and reject the true God.

And all is right in this world. If I had made this statement ten years ago, I probably would've been declared the village idiot and that others should never listen to me. However, if you're a Christian, you must believe two things: 1) God is sovereign and 2) things will worsen in this world-they won't get better.

As I've spiritually matured, I've become enamored with the sovereignty of God. Knowing that God is sovereign in all things means that He knew-no, He caused the events of 9/11 to happen. I know that Christians hate to use the term, "caused" because it makes our God out to be cruel but what is the better alternative? Should we use the term, "allowed" as if God passively sits in heaven and allows four airplanes to crash? Did He passively sit and allow for some to die and others to get rescued or escape the tragedy of that Tuesday? Those that were saved believe it was a miracle that they lived and some have questioned as to why they lived while others died. Would it be fair to say that like the "game" 52 Card Pick-Up, God threw the cards up in the air, randomly selected those that would live and those He didn't pick up, would die? Or did God number each one's days and know them completely before they were born? Obviously, I believe the latter.

I can ponder as to God's reasons for causing such an enormity, I can ask Him why, but in the end, I still have to praise Him and be obedient to His ways. I am reminded of God's eloquent response to Job: Can you draw out Leviathan with a fishhook or press down his tongue with a cord? (Job 41:1) If God asked me the rhetorical questions as He did of Job, I would probably have my eyes to the ground and quietly say, "Um, no" as I realized my foolishness in beseeching the Lord as to why I was going through many trials.

While I don't understand God's reasoning in most things, I must choose to trust and obey Him whether it's a monstrosity like 9/11, the recent increase in traffic or the fact that I'm still not married. God is in control and He is a God of structure and order even though it sometimes doesn't feel that way.

Though it would be nice to see an era of God-fearing people, hearts transformed and for morals and ethics to improve, I know that this is not possible during my lifetime. I don't say this to be a "Debbie Downer" but I say it out of hope. I know that Jesus can return any day and when He does, this world will be experiencing trauma worse than 9/11. The false peace that will invade the hearts of many will be shocked when the Lord that they MUST bow down to will return to earth to bring His own with Him. For this day, I eagerly await but I most am eager when perfect justice will reign on earth-the way the world should be-as God has planned.

I know if I declared to be thankful for 9/11, I'd probably be branded as an Islamic Terrorist (I mean, insurrectionist as they were being called a couple of years ago) but in a way, I am thankful for its occurrence. I am saddened for the the lost lives and families of the victims, but I know that I am called to give thanks in every situation-I am trying to do so in obedience to the Lord.

While the events of 9/11 came and passed, it wasn't without the hand of God being involved. It wasn't a surprise to Him because He caused it to happen. I can see that we are on a road to oblivion and that God will soon intervene. I can see how God transformed the hearts of some men and women that were drawn to Him during that time. I love that it is God who is at work in people and that they don't change unless God gets a hold of their hearts and transforms them for His good. Lastly, I can see that God is mighty, omniscient and is sovereign in all aspects of our lives-whether it is 9/11 or if we are still single, desiring a husband.

For you formed my inward parts;you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you,when I was being made in secret,intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance;in your book were written, every one of them,the days that were formed for me,when as yet there was none of them-Psalm 139:13-16

Is a trumpet blown in a city, and the people are not afraid? Does disaster come to a city, unless the LORD has done it?-Amos 3:6

I form light and create darkness, I make well-being and create calamity, I am the LORD, who does all these things-Isaiah 45:7

Is it not from the mouth of the Most High that good and bad come?-Lamentations 3:38

“For thus says the LORD: Just as I have brought all this great disaster upon this people, so I will bring upon them all the good that I promise them-Jeremiah 32:42

“O LORD, make me know my end and what is the measure of my days; let me know how fleeting I am!-Psalm 39:4

They have healed the wound of my people lightly, saying, ‘Peace, peace,’ when there is no peace-Jeremiah 6:14

While people are saying, “There is peace and security,” then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape-I Thessalonians 5:3

so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth-Philippians 2:10


Anonymous said...

Great reminders, Marian. Yes, the world changed on 9-11 and I, too, feel tremendous sadness for the thousands of families that had a loved one taken "too early". While is isn't "too early" in God's timing, the loss will be felt for those people's lifetimes. My dad had played golf only two weeks earlier with a good friend and colleague that lived in Chicago, but was in a meeting at the World Trade Center. We must live and be thankful for each day that the Lord allows us to wake up.

Anonymous said...

Preach, sista!