Saturday, August 13, 2011

Put up Your Dukes!

Summer is winding down for teachers and this week I started to reflect on the ways God has blessed me this summer. As soon as I focused on His blessings, the other side of me thought something like this: Don't get used to it, the other shoe will drop.

What does this say about me? Either I'm a pessimist, I only find joy in my circumstances or I am a greed monger. No matter what category I fall in, it reflects a heart of ungratefulness and distrust.

This week, my school district officially rescinded my pink slip and I was offered a teaching job. Of course I was thrilled, but I couldn't help but wonder, "So, what is my next trial going to be?" I should be ashamed. How long have I known God? Sometimes, I treat Him as if He is going to strike me as soon as He blesses me. Or, sometimes I treat Him as if I don't know Him or His attributes.

When I have thoughts of doubt or dread, I am convicted because I know the truth about the ways of the Lord. I am reminded that God is continually at work in me because He brings conviction to my heart-this is evidence of His faithfulness.

I have to rest in God's ways rather than allowing my head to go elsewhere. The last couple of years I've come to find peace rather than resistance towards God's sovereignty. If something didn't go exactly my way, I would become angry (although I never would go so far as admit anger) and complain. Looking back, complaining was my way of coping with whatever God's curve ball.

Thank the Lord that He changes people and gives us more than one chance to grow spiritually! I realized (through Him), that I was finding joy in my circumstances rather than having eternal joy. Eternal joy is constant despite the bumps in the road that we drive through each day.

This week, my friend and I were going whitewater rafting early in the morning. When I went to meet her in the morning, she never showed up. I couldn't believe that she'd actually oversleep through this expensive trip. Was I annoyed? A little bit. However, I immediately realized that God is sovereign in everything despite how insignificant it seems. He knew that we wouldn't be rafting that morning, that she wouldn't hear her alarm clock and that I'd have a horrible night sleep the previous night-I could've slept in! Whatever His reasons, I decided that if I embraced His sovereignty, I'd have peace rather than anger. By the way, nothing was lost (except sleep on my part) and we were able to go rafting in the afternoon. If this would've happened in the past, griping would've been my catharsis and then an apology to the Lord.

So, as I find thankfulness in all of His blessings, I need to take off my gloves and stop putting up my dukes when that next trial comes. As James 1:2 tells me, I must consider it all joy when I face trials. Fighting God is a losing battle because His ways will always prevail. I can wrestle with His ways or find rest and trust that He is perfect and omniscient. I know that I will face another trial but it cannot take away from finding joy in what He has given me. I cannot live with the expectation that the other shoe will drop-I mustn't.

But the Lord is faithful. He will establish you and guard you against the evil one-II Thessalonians 3:3

He who calls you is faithful; he will surely do it-I Thessalonians 5:24

For the word of the Lord is upright,
and all his work is done in faithfulness.
He loves righteousness and justice;
the earth is full of the steadfast love of the Lord-Psalm 33:4-5

The Lord brings the counsel of the nations to nothing;
he frustrates the plans of the peoples.
The counsel of the Lord stands forever,
the plans of his heart to all generations-Psalm 33:10-11

For the LORD is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations-Psalm 100:5

You Have Been Good
by Twila Paris

Oh Lord, You have been good
You have been faithful to all generations
Oh Lord, Your steadfast love
and tender mercy have been our salvation
For by Your hand we have been fed
And by Your Spirit we have been led
Oh Lord
For by Your hand we have been fed
And by Your Spirit we have been led
Oh Lord, Almighty God
Father Unchanging, Upright and Holy
Oh Lord, You have been good
You have been good
You have been faithful, You have been good


Anonymous said...

Great reminder to keep a Godly perspective. Thanks, Marian!

Anonymous said...

I experienced something like that this morning. I loathe the drive to Berean, and I needed gas before I went, and I hit a red light, etc. I started to complain, but TRIED to turn it around, thinking of a passage that I'd read last night. My stomach was still churning, but I continued to try to see through the fog of complaint. But, the habit to complain didn't just start yesterday, and old habits die hard...sigh.

As always, good thoughts.