Sunday, May 8, 2011

Ha, Ha-That Steve Carrell Guy is Really Funny in that Movie

I find it interesting to be a Christian in this depraved world. Maybe "interesting" is not the word-probably sometimes the word "shame" or "embarrassment" creeps into my mind. I'm not ashamed nor embarrassed to be a Christian, but it's the lack of experience that can be a bit embarrassing.

Let me explain. I'm a high school teacher, and some of the topics or euphemisms that my students throw into their everyday conversations leave me clueless. I may act as if I know what they're talking about, give them a disapproving look and then once class is over, race to the computer to "Google" their language.

In the high school classroom, I'm really good at playing it off that I know exactly what they are talking about. In reality though, I've not a clue. As a Christian woman, I've remained pure and at nearly 34 years old (this month), the world would probably mock and say something like, "Oh look, it's the 34 year-old virgin!" Six years ago, Hollywood made a movie about it- "The 40 year-old Virgin" and it was supposed to be a comedy. I never saw the movie, but I know for a fact that it didn't laud this man for his abstinence.

Recently, I went to the doctor and I told her that it wasn't necessary to check for cervical cancer because I've never been sexually active. She agreed, but explained that it's a standard procedure because it is assumed that women my age are all sexually active. 60 years ago, a woman would go to the doctor right before she got married to be examined and if she was 44, it was not so unusual to be a virgin.
I remember feeling like an idiot, like a little kid and couldn't help but wonder what she was thinking when I told her.

Once again, I was reminded of my singleness and thought, "I'm 34 and I haven't even kissed a man." I'm not ashamed to admit this, but for a fleeting moment (okay, like 36 hours), I allowed myself to care more of what the doctor thought of me than what God thinks of me. I also allowed myself to become ungrateful for the place that the Lord has me. I became engrossed in how I felt and probably was blinded to others' needs.

Why is it that the Lord has such a stronghold of my heart? I sat in church today, listening intently at the sermon, was convicted and applied it personally. I can't ever go on and be discontent or discouraged for as long as I want-God always brings me back to Him. :) That, in itself, is such a testament to God's ever-faithful work in my life and to His love for me.

My life, my lack of experience, my whatever, is ultimately for Him. If I am to remain an "old maid" (although 60 is the new 40 nowadays :)) forever, I'd rather be pure than to have guilt and shame. My witness for Him is a better testimony than living my life my own way.

I've had students in the past ask me privately about my relationships with men and while some ask because they are only curious, some take it to heart that I've remained pure for a reason. I've explained to them that this is what the Lord desires and as a result, an honest and mature discussion ensues from these questions. Last year, I explained this all to a student and she said, "That really makes sense. When I have kids, I really want to teach them the same thing".

Where I am in life, and what I do for a living is an opportunity to share the Gospel.

I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who livesin me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God,who loved me and gave himself for me. Galatians 2:20

And once again, it's not about me.


Mark Wenslawski said...

Good post, Marianthelibrarian! Thanks for the encouragement today.

Cat said...

Good job. I had no idea about your blog, until Amy spilled the beans.

Now your other siblings will know, too.